If your worker has an open claim with the WCB, you will receive a Claim Transaction Statement (CTS) every month the claim is active. The CTS gives an overview of all your current claim costs.
If your worker does not have an open claim, you will not receive the CTS.
If you have questions about the CTS, contact your worker's adjudicator or case manager.
The Claim Transaction Statement (CTS) gives you all of the information related to your active claims. If an injured worker needs medical aid, you will see the cost appear on the CTS. The CTS can also tell you whether your current claim costs will be used to set your rates in the future. What Does This Statement Mean?
Costs for claims can appear up to one year after they have been closed because of billing schedules. As a result, costs for treatments may appear after the treatment has been completed and the claim is closed. In some instances, a cost might also appear on your CTS after a claim has been closed because a worker has qualified for the Permanent Partial Impairment Award (PPI). You won’t see this cost on your CTS until after the worker has had the chance to recover as much as possible. There is a minimum wait time of one year after the injury or surgery for a worker to be considered for PPI.Why Are Costs Showing Up On a Closed Claim?
If you see a cost on your CTS for a denied or disallowed claim, this is likely the cost of collecting the information needed to review the claim and reporting fees from healthcare providers. Denied claims costs are generally not part of the rate-setting process and should not affect your future premiums. Please refer to your CTS to see if the cost will be used to determine your rates.What about Costs Showing up from a Denied Claim?
If there are any differences between days paid and your yearly records, contact the WCB.What If the Claim Transaction Statement Shows Days Paid That Are Different from My Records?
If you were notified about a claim for someone who does not work for you, this could be for one of the following reasons. I Was Notified of a Claim for a Worker Who Is Not My Employee