We have written some detailed articles on some of our policies that gives further context and information about the policy in question. We have also developed an FAQ document based on each article that will also be a great source of added information.

Policy Articles and FAQ's

WCB Expands Coverage for Psychological Injuries

Psychological injuries stemming from the workplace significantly affect both workers and employers. They can take a personal toll on workers and cost employers expertise and productivity. As awareness of the importance of good mental health in the workplace grows, workers compensation systems across Canada are determining appropriate compensation for psychological injuries sustained at work.

Read the rest of the article here

Read the FAQ here

WCB Issues New Policy on Third-Party Agents

Individually assessed employers pay compensation to their workers directly following a workplace accident. Examples of individually assessed employers include the provincial government and its agencies, the City of Winnipeg, and major transportation companies like Air Canada and VIA Rail.   

Read the rest of the article here

Read the FAQ here

New Occupational Diseases Regulation Comes into Effect this Fall

An occupational disease is a disease that is attributable to workplace activities or exposures that are closely associated with a particular industry, trade or type of employment. 

There are often work-related and non-work-related factors that contribute to someone contracting an occupational disease. As well, many years may pass after workplace exposure(s) before a worker knows they have a health problem. This is why The Workers Compensation Act (the Act) imposes a higher standard of causation on occupational diseases claims (called "dominant cause") than other types of injury claims. For an occupational disease claim to be accepted, evidence must show that workplace activities or exposures are the main cause of the worker's disease.  

Read the rest of the article here

Read the FAQ here