Invoice Submission

Invoices for the initial assessment/visit and reporting fee are automatically generated when an initial report is submitted. If acupuncture was performed ensure the therapist indicates that in their initial report. A reporting fee is automatically generated when a progress/discharge report is submitted.

To submit invoices for a visit, click on the 'record visit' menu option. Select your visit type based on all services provided during the visit (e.g. with or without acupuncture). The system will generate all applicable invoice items based on your selection.

For example, when you select 'multi-site visit' as your visit type it will automatically generate payment invoice item for the multi-site treatment and for the subsequent visit, plus acupuncture if appropriate.

To create an invoice for phone consultation, narrative reports, alternative treatments, or approved equipment, press $ on the left-hand side of the claim landing page.

If you are billing for a phone consultation:

  • Provide the name of the treating therapist
  • Indicate the number of minutes for the consultation (in increments of 5 minutes)
  • Enter the date of the consultation as the service date
  • Indicate the amount*

For all 'other' expenses:

  • Provide a brief description of the items being invoiced
  • Indicate the quantity
  • Enter the date the services for item(s) were provided to the worker as the service date
  • Indicate the amount*

* Rates for narrative reports and phone consultations will be paid in accordance with the applicable agreement between the WCB and the Manitoba Physiotherapy Association. All other amounts submitted will be subject to the discretion of the WCB.

Types of Invoices Available

When you submit a report or a visit, the eHealth Online Portal Services automatically creates invoices based on your submission(s)

A Portal Submission For: Create Invoices For:
Initial Report Initial report fee, initial visit, acupuncture tray fee (if applicable)
Progress/Discharge report Progress/Discharge report fee
Progress/Discharge with request for additional treatments Request for additional treatment report fee
Subsequent Visit Follow-up Visit
Subsequent Visit with acupuncture Follow-up Visit, acupuncture tray fee
Multi-site visit Follow-up visit, multi-site treatment fee
Multi-site visit with acupuncture Follow-up visit, multi-site treatment fee, acupuncture tray fee
No show or Cancellation Not Applicable
Sundry Items Each sundry item


After a submission the invoices created will appear on the claims 'Recent Payments' tab or click clinic's 'Payment History' menu.

Acupuncture tray fee

Acupuncture treatments should be indicated on the initial report or selected as part of a recorded visit. If acupuncture was not selected, simply report an overpayment for the original invoice and resubmit the correct one that includes the acupuncture treatment.

Frequency of submitting invoices

Submit you invoices as close to the time of the visit as possible. Batching and submitting invoices on a bi-monthly or monthly basis will impact the processing time of your payment request which could result in a delayed payment.

Report an overpayment

On the claim landing page main menu, press the x to report an overpayment or invoice error. Your request will be reviewed within two business days of the submission.

Review invoices previously submitted

Check to see if you have already billed the WCB for a service by clicking on the 'payment history' menu option located on the eHealth Online Service Portal for Physiotherapists home page. Each tab details the type of expenses that have been submitted. Use the filters provided to find the details you are looking for.